
I used to drink caffine and eat sugar to get myself going in the afternoons. It doesn't see to work anymore. Is that bad?

This weekend consists of two very important events. School is having their Big Annual Hoity-Toity Alumni Function and then there's also this eensy leetle fooball game being played somewhere in Florida.

The Alumni function should be fun. I get to see lots of the old faces and catch up with old friends. There will be people there I'm not too keen on seeing, but I'll smile and be polite and generally charming and all in all act like an adult... eeewww...

The Superbowl. Can't wait. Pretty nervous, but also really friggin' excited. We're having a bunch of people over, I'm making chili, we're all drinking out of the keg-o-rator and most of us are taking monday off work. This, my friends, is a recipe for chaos. Win or lose, we will booze....

My entries lately haven't been too deep. Deal with it.

My brain has been in an increasingly shallow mode lately. I'll sanp out of it, but not thinking too much an be a relief time and again.

Roll, Ravens, Roll.....


leave me a note, fool!

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