
update at the bottom


I am numb.

I have no more emotions. They have all been spent over the course of this, the worst and most memorable weekend of my life.

Hendrix's mom was buried on saturday. She brokedown, we all broke down we were all glad that we weren't alone.

Last night, my friend slang was shot. Shot. Twice. In the head.

That kind of shit only happens on teevee. And never at one of the old college bars. Well, it does happen in real life, and it does happen in the comfort zone.

Slang's alive. They removed part of his brain to combat swelling. He is semi awake and knows his name and the important stuff, but the doctors don't know if he will live.

I want to cry. I want to scream. I want to hold the mother of his kid and tell her it'll be alright. I want to get angry at the jerkoffmotherfucking coward who shot my friend.

But I can't.

The emotions are simply not there.

- Mike


People are assholes - plain and simple. I read the story on Sunspot which was close to right-on-the-money. Then I made the mistake of reading the Discussion Forums on the story. What a bunch of pricks. I chime in eventually. Look for my post under my 'explorer_mike' pseudonym. Was I out of line? Or not out of line enough?

leave me a note, fool!

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