
I am slightly drunk. Not fully, although I was a short time ago. Only slightly.

My company had its bi-annual allhands meeting for the IT dept, of which I am just one measely member.

Most of the people there suck. Hard.

Some are cool though. I met one of the coolies tonight. I shall call her Kate, because quite frankly, that is her name. She is a completly amazing person. I was instantly smitten. I thought we had a thing going and I could parlay one or two more occasions such as tonight into the ask-out for a date. The she mentioned her Fiance'.

Kate: Do you travel alot?

Me: Yeah, some. My big thing now is Europe - never been and want to go.

Kate: I would *love* to see Ireland. Actually my fiance and I blah blah blah blah blah blah.

Me (suddenly losing interest): Oh, umm....really?

Kate: Yeah, blah blah blah blah but then the blah blah blah so who knows.

Me: Thats funny. Really. I'm gonna go check out the pasta bar.

So yet another cold glass of already-got-a-man was thrown in my face tonight. No biggy really. I *also* met Angie who also has loads of potential. And is single. (I think)

Going to sleep this 'un off -



This is oh-so true...

leave me a note, fool!

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