2:12 p.m.


Take a look at my profile, peeps. I updated it!


I am remarkably uncaffinated for this point in the day. Don't delude yourself into thinking this is by choice. I witnessed what can only be referred to as The Horror Of Horrors in modern corporate culture. This morning, between 9 and 10:30, every vending machine was removed from my buidling. **gasp**

The vending machines; the touchstone, the cornerstone, the very center of my workday social scene - were gone!

I managed to glean several details from John the Dutiful Security Guard: The machines were removed becuase we were unhappy with the vendor. He imagines that they will be replaced with new machines from a new vendor. No, he doesn't know when that may happen. I should really wear my badge when I walk around the building.

And so I have been unable to fuel my daily DietPepsi psychosis. Under normal circumstances, I'd just drink coffee or drive to the gas station down the street, but i a.) hate coffee and b.)am *still sans-car. So now, sitting on my desk is a double of Luzianne Hot Tea. Don't know how I feel about the Luzianne. Never had the Luzianne. I like hot tea, but it's more of an early-morning or right-before-bed typ of thing for me. I'll let you know how this goes.

Anything for my fix.


On a different topic.... Really, my last entry is just pathetic. Pa. Thet. Ic. I'm not going to delete it, although I must admit I'm tempted. I'll leave it because it really was what I was thinking about last night. Its just that when I read it now....I just..well, I don't like the way I sound.

leave me a note, fool!

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