5:03 p.m.

I don't know why I'm coming clean with this, but it's been on my mind so I may as well jsut say it. Don't get disgusted, don't get disturbed, just hear me out and try to understand - then form your opinions on me.

I am (always have been on some level) a...eeeepp..

I'm a Republican.

wait. Wait! Let me elucidate. There are some mitigating factors.

Bear with me. Still there? 'K. Here we go.

I believe in individual freedom. I believe in a small central government and strong state governments. I believe the federal gov should only handle things that I (or my state)can't handle themselves. Like defense. And diplomacy. And environmental protection. I believe that the average american is smart and does not need protection from her or hisself. I believe that some guns have a place in our lives and that abortion does not.


I do not believe in a 'massive left-wing conspiracy.' I roll my eyes in disgust whenever anyone rolls their eyes in disgust when saying the word "liberals."

I belive the Democratic Party has many many good ideas and is not, in fact, in league with Bealzebub, lord of evil. I belive in environmental protection, increased funding of pivate schools, increase of teachers' salaries. I believe in the Patient's Bill of Rights. I believe our President's mental deck of cards may be missing a Jack, 2 queens, an ace, and 3 fives.

I do not think that a 12 year old should have access to heavy artillery. I don't think anyone should have access to that kind of firepower. Handguns should be in the hand of the police and no one else. Yes drugs are bad, but *all* drugs? Be real - there may well be medical uses for pot. It is no worse than liquor and the outlawing of said weed only perpetuates a completely needless black market.

I beleive in racial equality. I believe that european men and women subjugated and opressed many for hundreds of years and that ammends must be made. But these ammends must be deeply personal - not political or financial.

I have no problem with gays in the military. I have no problem with women in the military. I think serving your country in the armed forces is perhaps the most honorable thing one can do. I would have no problem with my stapler seving in the military.

And while were (not really) on the subject; I believe that i should be able to, if I wanted to, marry a man. I believe gals should be allowed to marry gals. In fact, I don't believe anyone has the right to define my family for me.

So why am I a Republican? You could also ask why I'm Catholic. (*that*, my friends, is a whole 'nother entry - believe me!) I am, because while my co-party members confuddle and often sicken me, I truly believe in the very basics of the underlying party structure.

Jesse Helms - eeeww.
Orrin Hatch - eeeeeeewww.
George W. Bush - bwa hahahahahaha.
Rush Limbaugh - don't get me started. I *hate* Rush.

But I do believe.

I believe in weak central governments.
I believe in individual liberties.
I belive my tax dollars are exactly that - mine.

So maybe I'm a reluctant Republican.
Reluctican. Repuctant.

Or maybe I'm a mix of both parties.
Democrican. Repulicrat.

Ohh... I don't know.
I'll tell you what I do believe;

I believe I'll have a drink.

leave me a note, fool!

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