10:03 a.m.

I am a bad son. A bad, bad son.

Mom's birthday was yesterday. Guess who would've forgotten all about it? Would've forgotten had Mom not called. Guess whose mom was upset that no one remembered?
Oh yeah, that would be me.

I feel really bad. Like a jerk. Like an ingrate. But I can only apologize so much. Once you reach a certain point, every subsequent apology only serves to remind how much of an idiot you were.

So after we talked and I asked her all about the trip, I hopped on the FTD website and got her some flowers.

Too little, too late? Maybe. But I *had* to do something.

I've realized lately how close Mom and I have become since I graduated college. Not in a oogy mama's-boy kind of way, but really as a friend. It's always nice when your find out that you actually like your parents.

And then I go and forget her birthday.

I. Am. An. Idiot.

leave me a note, fool!

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