10:39 p.m.

So, I joined Uncle Bob's Army. I don't know why.

Don't get me wrong. I love Uncle Bob. Love him. About as much as heterosexuality will allow. But joining the "army" is a little too bandwagony for my tastes. I don't like to wear tshirts with 'my team' on them... I guess in general my tastes are exactly that; mine. But I joined the army, mainly because I thought it'd be like an ego boost to Bob, seeing his list grow that much bigger.

I dunno. My question is this though: When's boot camp?

I am really tired and this is about the most coherent thought I could muster.


But really, not too much is going on. I'm spending tomorrow night in Baltimore. Going to an O's game with some friends and want to stay out late. I'll just crash wit' one of them and drive to work in the morning. I don't *really* want to go, but a gal I'm sweet on will be there.

And no, there's no chance with her. I think I've written about her here before. I'd link, but I don't really feel like it, so you'll have to go looking. She's still got a boyfriend, so like I said - no chance.

But she's still fun to be around.

leave me a note, fool!

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