3:45 p.m.

And the winner of the distinctly non-coveted Asshole of the Day Award (tm) goes to...

...Geoooorge W. Buuuushhhh.

Please hold all applause until the end of the ceremony.

This sucks. Anyway you look at this situation, it just sucks. Unless you're looking at the situation through the eyes of a closed-minded bigot, in which case I'd kindly ask you to get a fucking clue. Please.
One the one hand we have a Christian Charity Organization who wants to reserve the right to discriminate against homosexual individuals because (they think) homosexuality is a sin. (I'll ignore for the moment that homosexuality is in fact, not a sin and my Catholic Church and Christianity in general has its head up its ass.) Their argument would hold water if not for the fact that the entire Christian faith was built around forgiveness. Even if homosexuality were a sin, there could be no greater Christian act than to accept the "sinners" into your group and make them one of you.

On the other hand, we have a president who for all his talk of diversity and openness, cuts a shady deal in order to get some legislation passed. (I'm shocked, shocked I tell you, to learn that there is gambling going on in this establishment!) Be that as it may, the deal being cut essentially throws out federal anti-discrimination statutes in favor of the prez's legislation.

And so I sit here today pissed and only slightly disillusioned.

For a President that wants to "change the climate" in Washington, you sir, look to be just more of the status quo. Only with a lower IQ. For a charity that begs for volunteers, you do really well at turning people away. And for a faith that preaches forgiveness, openness, and love, you certainly look like you're practicing anger, resentment, and hate

leave me a note, fool!

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