10:34 a.m.

I feel like this diary has been (maybe too much) about work lately, but my life has been primarily work centric lately, so I guess i'm telling you to deal.

I feel like an asshole.

You see, I've been in a bad mood all week. It's not that I'm busy, it's just that the same 5 or 6 people keep calling me to either see how many new and inane questions they can ask me or, failing that, to see if they can beat one issue entirely into the ground.

It. Is. Annoying.

Yesterday was pretty much devoted to the Marketing Department. I swear to God this chick called me every hour to ask a new question. I was nice with her, but inside I was screaming "LISTEN UP you stupid fuck! I do not have the luxury of devoting my day to you. Figure it out. Then go screw yourself." But instead my speech was laced with "get right on that" and "I'll look into it." Because, you know, I'm not *outwardly* an asshole. So MarketingGal is out today, but MarketingBoss has been hounding me all morning because Gal never informed Boss of her progress. Whatever. Not my place, but i do pretty much know how far Gal got on her project so I don't mind telling Boss. Annoying, but whatever. Anyway, five minutes ago my phone rings. It's MarketingBoss. Before I pick up, I roll my eyes, sigh way-too-audibly and think "What do these numbnuts want now? Jee-zus!!!"

Hi Mike, it's MarketingBoss.
I know, what's up?
Well, I just wanted to thank you for all the hard work you've done for us.
Yeah, well, I know MarketingGal was hounding you yesterday.
Was she, I didn't really notice.
Yeah, and I know I've been a pain this morning.
You? Not at all.
But I wanted to say that we appreciate the help.
Thanks. Umm, did you need me for anything?
Oh, ...ok. Well have a good weekend.
You too. Thanks again, Mike.

So you see, that's me alot of times. Assuming the worst, getting the best, and not knowing what to do with it.

leave me a note, fool!

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