10:53 p.m.

Things I learned this weekend:

Being the 3rd wheel is never fun.

Fried Chicken in the shape of a pretzel. Not so good.

People who were assholes in high school are most likely still assholes.

Dress codes are for the weak. Or the lazy.

Stick shift is much more fun than automatic.

If there is pizza in your fridge and I'm spending the night, chances are I'll eat a slice. Or three.

Cats are evil. Dogs are not.

Egg curry does *not* look appetizing.

The Goonies never loses it's appeal.

The City Paper is still my favorite newspaper.

Artscape was fun. Carnival food was better.

Pina Colada is the stuff of dreams.

Brookstone sells vibrators. They just call them Accu-point Massagers.

Sometimes it's just good to sleep in your own bed.

and finally...

She totally makes me blush.


leave me a note, fool!

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