3:27 p.m.

I believe I just may be the victim of some kind of coordinated effort to put a big ol' dent in Wanda the Honda.

This morning, before I even get out of the development, some loser pulls out of the gas station right into my path. The brakes get slammed on. The horn gets honked. And it's such a wimpy horn. That's my only beef with the car. Them: HOOOOOOOOOOOOOONNNNNKKKKK!!! Me: meeeeeeep. It's like trying to rant and rave after inhaling helium. It's not intimidating, it's just funny. Anyway, so this guy goes to flip me off and instead hits himself in the head, knocks his sunglasses off and runs his car half way off the road. He pulls up next to me at the light, rolls his window down. He tells me I'm an asshole and that I'm lucky he's late or he'd "teach me a few things." I laugh which really seems to piss him off and tell him "how smooth" he looked when he slapped himself in the head. As the light turned green, I may have been guilty of yelling "Have a nice day you clumsy fuck."

Then, as I was passing Mount Airy some lady merges onto the interstate and directly into the middle lane. No turn signal (bitch.) Going really slow. I was going 70. I'd say she was doing 50. So I had to brake (which I hate doing on the interstate) and swerve into the fast lane to pass her. What is she doing? Holding her cell phone between her head and shoulder, chatting away, putting lipstick on, and oh yeah - paying attention to the (goddamn mother fucking) highway when she gets a free moment.

Rrrrr... people. They're a pain in the ass.

In other news, I am once again in the good graces of the Maryland Motor Vehicle Administration. I've learned that even if ou have no idea you're uninsured, they do. And they'll fine you for it. But I paid and my registration will not be suspended.

But stil... damn the man!

leave me a note, fool!

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