8:29 a.m.

It is August in Maryland. And, not coincidentally, it feels like August in Maryland. The type of heat that can only be described as (and let me apologize in advance) "sweaty ball heat." Gross, I know. I can't wait until fall when it cools off, I can get all Abercrombied-out (shush!) and drink apple cider. Mmmm.... fresh cider.

I've been a traffic wizard these last few mornings. I've been making it to work in record times. Not driving fast, mind you, just really well. I should write a book. It'd be called Getting There as Quickly as Possible: You Don't Have to Drive Like and Asshole.

Went out with cutieGal again last night. Whee...

I'm not sure if I've mentioned this, but, umm...yeah, I like her. We did the traditional dinner and a movie, which I normally shy way from (cliche? overdone? unimaginative?) but I didn't mind last night. I mean, I was spending time with her, so who am I to complain. She ended up meeting me really late, b/c she got lost (heh heh heh) but dinner was good and the movie was ok. I did learn, though, that I have pretty much not progressed pat highschool. We were about half way through the movie when I realized that I'd been thinking of 'smooth' ways to hold her hand.
I. Am. A. Loser.
So I mentally kicked my own ass, reached over, and took her hand in mine. And she looked over and smiled.
And then, at the end of the night there was the awkwardness when we were going our separate ways. We've talked on the phone alot, but only been out twice, so I didn't want to assume that a kiss was in order, that a hug was in order, whatever. So we were saying goodbye and I just leaned in and got a nice kiss on the cheek. That's fine. Of course, I would've liked a smooch, but it wasn't like the cheeck-peck you give acquaintences, so I'm happy. Whatever, I'm thinking too much.

I didn't leave Baltimore until 10 last night, putting me home at 11, which was already passed my bedtime. Woke up at 1 when the 'rents came home from their sojourn in Virginia. Woke up at 6 to shower and get ready for work. That being said, I had an amazing night of sleep last night. Not long, mind you, but *good*.(..by the way. Numer of times I've used the phrase 'mind you' in this entry: 2)

And yes, Mocksie, your words have a much more positive effect than you realize.

leave me a note, fool!

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