2:28 p.m.


I just got off the phone with my old man. My sister mentioned to him that I am thinking of joining them in Virgina next weekend to go sailing. And I am. Thinking about it, I mean. But I don't really want to go. I loves me my sister and I loves me my old man, but my sister and my old man don't exactly loves one another. They try, but they don't succeed all the time. And I'm getting tired of being their relationship crutch. It's almost as if they speak two different languages and need me to translate.

I don't really wanna go to ol' Virginny next weekend. If they always fall back on me, how are they going to remember what it was like to love eachother. Tough love. That's right.

And my sister knows this and, at least intellectually, respects my position. But her weak-willed ass told dad that I wanted to come. And he brought it up on the phone and I could hear the excitement in his voice that he'd have a weekend alone with his kids. Without the stepMonster. Without her kids. I could hear the excitement. And I knew I'd have to go.

This crutch ain't going anywhere.....


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