9:50 p.m.

I feel i should mention that I am currently (and voluntarily for that matter) watching the movie Exit Wounds. Yes it does star Steven Segal. And DMX.
And, if you were wondering, yes I am considering removing my eyes with an ice cream scoop....

I should also mention that if any of you ever get the opportunity to play me at Pictionary, you should decline. Seriously. Just walk away. I've known for a while that I am, in fact, a veritable Jedi Master at Trivial Pursuit, byt my skills at Pictionary have lain dormant until recently. I. Kick. Ass. Last night it was Dad and I versus the stepMonster (who really isn't a monster - I just like the way her moniker sounds) and stepSisterTheYoungest. Dad and I absolutely tooled on sM and sSTY. Tooled. I'd draw a line and he'd guess 'Manifest Destiny.' He'd draw and oval and I'd guess 'internal combustion engine.'
Milton Bradley is my bitch.

OK, since I've been putting it off, and since my guestbookGal Kat asked for it, here is the Kinda Unfortunate Situation With cutieGal (KUSWcG).

Right before I went to the beach, cG and I met for lunch. It was a friday. She was going on vacation for a week and then coming home to a wedding and then had 2 solid days o' work. When we were leaving lunch, I told her that I knew she was busy but to give me a call when her schedule opened up. No call. It's been almost two weeks now. No call. This boy can take a hint. I had been getting the feeling (but not writing here, 'cause I do keep some secrets from you people - hee) that I was more into her than she was to me. I tend to do that sometimes. So she hasn't called and I'm bummed but not upset. (Can you see the distinction there?) Whatever, I may call to catch up, but I almost feel that would be a little, errr, pathetic (needy, sketchy) so I probably won't. She'll call me if she wants to.

Women. I still don't understand 'em.

By the way, Steven Segal just busted the crooked cops and got his job back.

Suddenly, all is right with the world.

And I'm off to bed.

leave me a note, fool!

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