1:44 p.m.

I got the strangest email this morning.

It was simple, just one sentence. "What do you look like?" No salutation, no signature. An unrecognized email address.

I'm confused. Is it someone who thinks they know me? I've never overtly mentioned my personal info here, but chances are, if you're close to me in real life and you read this, you'd be able to figure out that it's me. And if I ever got an email asking if Mike McMikeslastname is, in fact, the face behind Charmcity, I wouldn't deny it.

I think the more appropriate question is "Who are you? Why do you want to know what I look like? I think I might be skeeved by any answer to this question, unless it involves deviant sexual fantasies. I'm just sayin.

So, to sum up: If you think you know me, than ask. But you probably don't or you'd know you know me. Otherwise, move along. Unless you have a fantasy that involves me, a can of redi-whip, and some ripe ripe strawberries. In that case, email me and an exact description, as well as specific measurements, can be provided.

And oh yeah, I look exactly like you. Only completely different.

leave me a note, fool!

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