10:09 p.m.

Well, here I am. My 200th entry. 200 sounds like alot. It's not really. Less than a year. Too me though, it sounds like alot. 200 is the type of number that makes me all reflective-like.

With that in mind, here is a look at some other 200s, Charmcity style.

200 Millenia Ago: It was 200,000 b.c. Homo Sapiens replace Homo Erectus as the dominant species on the planet. 200,000 years later, some of us still think 'erectus' is a pretty funny word.

200 Centuries Ago: It was 20,000 b.c. The British Isles are covered in a thick sheet of ice. The ice eventually retreats making way for the Angles to beat the Saxons and facilitating creation of the pinnicles of modern achievement - Fish and Chips and Harp Beer.

200 Decades Ago: It was 1 a.d. Depending on who you ask, Jesus was either 1 or just being born, or not born yet. Regardless, 33 years later he would die and rise again. Irish Catholic children would feel guilty for all eternity.

200 Years Ago: It was 1801. After a bitterly contested presidential election, Thomas Jefferson takes office. The election was so close, the wisdom of the electoral college was called into question. When all is settled, citizens are heard to say, "At least America will never go through *that* again."

200 Days Ago: It was February 18, 2001. I was visiting strip clubs and buying a car. Can't you just feel the progression of society?

200 Hours Ago: It was August 29, 2001. I was reading Harry Potter and making up lame expressions. What a dork I am.

200 Minutes Ago: It was 6:50 p.m. Mom and I were taking our evening walk. We discussed the crazy Anne Heche and the crack-whore Mariah Carey. I detailed my lack of sympathy for either. And my glee over watching crazy celebs. Mom was appalled.

200 Seconds Ago: I was debating whether i should go to the bathroom or finish this entry. Two guesses on which one won.

And two hundred entries ago, I sat down and started typing. I've made some new friends. I've been made to smile. I've been impressed by intelligence. I've been enthralled by spirit.

Here's hoping the next 200 are half as fulfilling as the first were.

leave me a note, fool!

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