2:32 p.m.

I just deleted a half-complete entry.

It was depressing and self-serving and useless.

It's not that I want to forget last week, but I do want to move on from last week. It's time to do that. Time to move to the next step. For some of us, that means rebuilding. For some it means seeking justice. For me it means...

...the Outback Steak House.

When I moved home back in June, in a moment of U-haul induced delerium, I promised to take my parents out to dinner to thank them for the help with the move. I know. What was I thinking? So the 'rents finally remembered my offer and have decided on steak. Moreover, they've decided on the Outback or the Red Horse, respectively the busiest and the most expensive steak places in town. Bastards. So we'll go, and we'll eat, and I'll pay. But I get to do it on my terms.
And, yes, my terms do rhyme with "Doomin' Funion".

Speaking of nothing in particular, I've been a huge computer game geek lately. I made the mistake of shelling out $40 for Diablo II. Well, mistake in the sense that it is the goddam most addictive game I've ever played. I can't get enough. I'm a paladin, which is kinda like a disenchanted holy warrior, and am kicking all sorts of demonic ass.

Maybe I'll whip that out at the Outback tonight.

"I'm sorry sir, we're looking at an hour wait."
"Don't you know, I am a Paladin."
"Level 12?"
"Level 15."
"And you have the..."
"...Sword of Courage? Yes."
"Oh, my. Right this way."

It could happen. Or not. I'm just sayin'.

leave me a note, fool!

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