3:17 p.m.

Ok, my worry factor has jumped from 4 to just above 8...

Five months ago, in my company's big round of layoffs, my little department of three was the only department to make it out unscathed. Rumor has it that we will not be unscathed come tomorrow.

Shit. That gives me (at best) at 33% chance of getting canned tomorrow.

Let's look at the canidates, shall we?

The Boss:Seriously over-paid and under-respected. But he knows his stuff and is kinda an integral part of the corp structure.
ErikTheGuyIworkWith: The antithesis of a 'people person', he's an uberPain to get along with.
Me (a.k.a. Mofo CharmCity): Paid more than Erik so a visable target, but I know my stuff and take "personability" to new heights. And I'm modest.

So there ya go? Who will it be? If we were to rank by salary, it'd go Boss, Me, Erik. If you were to rank on likability, it'd go Me, Boss, Erik. If you were to rank on untility, the Boss and I'd be tied for first with Erik bringing up a close second.

I dunno, I'm just to damned scared right now.

Anyone know of any IT/business-analysty type job openings in the Frederick/Baltimore/Columbia area?

leave me a note, fool!

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