11:09 p.m.

I have nothing interesting to say. Unless you actually like reading useless drivel, go away.

See? I can't even make sense. Useless drivel? Because apparently there is useful drivel?

Let's see...

With Erik gone, i finally have full days of work. Which is good because my days pass much more quickly and I feel like I'm actually doing something. But it's bad because there's virtually no time to jump on the web, let alone update the d*land diary.

Umm.... other than that, not much. One of my high school buds gets married this weekend. The wedding is in Hagerstown, which is all of 25 minutes from my house in Frederick, but I got a hotel room for the weekend so I wouldn't have to drive back and forth a half-dozen times. And I didn't want to have to worry about crashing on someone's floor or drunk driving. Mainly the drunk driving. See that? I'm maturing.

No, I know what you're thinking. You're thinking, "Mike! Your Dad lives in Hagerstown. Why not save the room rate and crash with him." Well thank you very much, missus smarty-pants. I thought of that, ok? But having to recap the wedding reception while drunk to the stepMonster combined with the lack-of-hangover-induced-sleep-in caused by the way-too-energetic-and-loud-teenaged-stepsisters....well, it makes that idea not so good.

And, in case one of my stalkers wants to find me this weekend, I'm staying at the...wait for it... Ramada Inn. Hagerstown. The 4th circle of hell. And yes, the hotel does have a "Nightclub". And yes, the "Nightclub" does have a giant ceramic fish on the outside. Don't ask. Just wait for the pictures.

Things I like:

Taco Bell
Interstate 70 (westbound)
Steve Carell
Sauteed Mushrooms
Diet Pepsi
Diablo II
The Chesapeake Bay
Blue Raspberry Slurpees
Sweet, sweet sleep...

Things I Could Do Without:

Alarm Clocks
Yo mama
Talking during teevee shows
Adding an 'e' (Olde, Shoppe, etc...)
Lack of Motivation

Oh, and Kat? Door #3.

My Drivel? Useless.

leave me a note, fool!

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