6:50 p.m.


I walked thirteen miles today. Because I wanted to. Not because my car broke down or anything.

The C&O Canal runs along the Maryland side of the Potomac River from Georgetown to Cumberland. Back in the 1800's and early 1900's it was (along with the railroad) an important way to bring coal from the mountains to the cities of the Chesapeake bay area. Today, the canal is a National Park. I've done a little walking along the canal before, but lately I've gotten really interested in its history, so I wanted to start again.

Today I started at mile #42, at at the mouth of the Monocacy River in southwest Montgomery County and walked to mile #55 at Brunswick, in southwest Frederick County. I packed a lunch, brought some water, brought my digi-cam (pictures to follow) and really had a great time. But now I hurt like hell. My legs don't really want to support me and i drank my water too fast, so i'm kinda dehydrated. Still though, It's a good kind of hurt.

In other news, my crotch seems oddly popular. I've gotten quite a few guestbook entries/emails about it. I'm sure on some level, this should disturb me, but it really doesn't.

Next? Maybe a picture of my ass. Or not.

leave me a note, fool!

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