11:42 p.m.

I guess I never wrote why I didn't spend Friday night in Baltimore as planned.

I got pissed off. Plain and simple.

I made the mistake of walking into a political debate and letting it get personal. What a rookie I am.

See, most of my friends lean toward the 'liberal democrat' end of the spectrum while I'm more of a moderate republican. (Or am I a libertarian? I still haven't figured that one out, CLC.) So, the thing is, I tend to shy away from political debates. I may be middle-of-the-road, but I am *passionately* middle-of-the-road. I have my own beliefs, and I deny no one their beliefs, but in the interests of pleasant social discourse, let's keep them to ourselves.

There is a right and a wrong time to debate the Executive Branch's response to mass terrorism, and when you're 4 cosmopolitans in the hole is definitely not the right time. They were drunk, I was not. I still got sucked in. Like I said, I'm a rookie.

What I'm sure sounded to them like a well thought out critique of the Administraion's response to terrorism was really more of a criticism of GWB's public speaking skills. (Or lack thereof)

Granted, the man's about as eloquent as a punch-drunk boxer, but if you have something substantive to say; say it. Don't pretend to make a point and then mask your ignorance behind nonissues. And, yes, I called them on this. Their response? "Well, you know, Clinton was a much better communicator. If he were here, people would be taking this much more seriously." Oh boy, here we go. Not taking things seriously? Fuck you. Fuck you for assuming that anyone in this country doesn't take the deaths of more than 6,000 of our fellow citizens seriously. Fuck you for assuming that because GWB is a little hazy on the 'letters make words, words make a sentence' concept that he is somehow less compassionate than others. Fuck you for unfairly perpetuating your image of Republicans as cigar-smoking white guys worried more about their mutual funds than the thousands of lost loved ones buried beneath the ruins of our naivety. Fuck you. And your cosmopolitan-guzzling ass.

So that's why I got mad. That's why I didn't sleep in Baltimore. I just wanted to get away from these people; from my friends.

Childish? Yes. Took it too personally? Yes.

Still mad? Yes.

leave me a note, fool!

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