10:43 p.m.

Today I was reminded that we live in interesting times.

About a week ago, a "suspicious package" was discovered in one of our other buildings. It contained a white powder and, although it did not (repeat, did not) contain anthrax, the sender made every effort to convince us that it did. Yup, the FBI investigation is ongoing. Why haven't you (especially you Marylanders) heard anything about this? Oh, I don't know. Maybe something about a little war going on. So the results eventually came back. Of course there was no 'thrax and we, as a company, resumed our normal business of getting reamed by the economy.

Today, the mailroom in my building got a package addressed in the same handwriting, with the same postmark, in the same type of packaging as the no-not-really-but-wanna-make-you-think-it's anthrax package. Yup, there was white powder inside. So the cops were called in. The fire department was called in. And, as I walked out to my car to go home for the evening, two dudes in Outbreak-style hazmat suits were walking into the buliding.

And I didn't even bat an eye. I've been through (count 'em) three anthrax scares now.

By now, I'm just jaded.

That's the way it goes. I guess.

leave me a note, fool!

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