3:01 p.m.

You know, most of the time I think I more or less have it together. I think that I'm smart, I'm

independant and I think I'm tough. Nothing's gonna get to me, nosiree.

I'm full of


It's a slow day at my office. Most of the execs are down in Nashville for our annual sales

meeting. Not too much is going on. So, being the hard-working, always-on-the-go employee that I am,

I've spent most of the day goofing off and talking with random coworkers. You know, the ones that

don't suck ass.

There's this girl that I'm friends where the rlationship between her and I is

based solely on making fun of eachother. There's no bad blood, I actually think she's pretty cool, and

she (I think) thinks the same about me. That being said - everything is fair game. Our clothes, our hair,

our manners of speech. There's nothing that's off limits.

Today, someone new joined in. This

guy, that I kinda know, but not too well, decided to pick on me for a.) living at home and b.) being

single. He didn't really know that he got to me. I smiled, I laughed it off. I shot ones back at him for his

stupid-assed buck teeth and his retarded Elvis-meets-Bob's-Big-Boy haircut. And, in truth, *he* didn't

get to me. But as I walked away, I started thinking that maybe there are people out there that do think

less of me because I live at home. Maybe people do wonder what's up with me because there is no

girlfriend. And for some reason that bothers me.


In happier


I leave for the beach today. Neener, neener, neener. I'll be there through Monday

afternoon and there is a high possibility that I will be inebriated or asleep for much of that time, so don't

expect to see much of me for a few. I'll try and take some pics and post them here later. what, with my

fancy-dancy new Gold Membership I just bought!)

If I don't see you, which I won't (because

I'm out here and y'all aren't really real - did you know that? Oooh. Except you Carrie. You're real. And

you Kristy - you're real too. And, although I can't physically prove their existance, Mocksie, Ursula, and

Beth get honorable mentions for being as-real-as-possible-without-actually-seeing-them-in-person.)

have a great weekend.

See ya, foolio!

leave me a note, fool!

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