10:32 p.m.

I am an adult. I am a child. This entry just may reflect that.

So, have I mentioned that 7-11 is involved in a massive conspiracy to do nothing more than frustrate me? Its latest incarnation? The total lack of Blue Raspberry Slurpees anywhere in the state of Maryland. It's becoming obscene. Today on the way home from work, the 7-11 at the corner of Frederick Road and St. John's Lane was kicking it with 4 slurpee flavors. They were: Coke, which serves it's purpose but does nothing to really excite me; much like masturbation. (wait. what?); Cherry Coke; Mountain Dew Cherry Code Red; and Minute Maid Cherry. Count 'em. 3 Cherries and 1 Coke. I say again: 3 Cherries. Overkill? Where. Is. My. Sweet. Blue Raspberry?

Elswhere, I finally have work that excites me. I mean, I still have my regular job. And that sucks. Hard. No changes there. Other than the fact that I haven't been laid off. Yet. The thing is, I'm working for a congressional campaign. A friend of mine is running for an open seat in the House of Representatives. That's in Washington. Surprised you didn't know that. He's looking for someone to write press releases and the like. Although I have no formal training (outside of Freshman year Effective Writing Lit113) and my diary certainly doesn't show it, I can be quite good at official writing. Or writing in general. I'm a man who performs well when given a purpose. And I have one. Get my buddy into office. I bet kegstands in the U.S. House of Representatives would be a blast! I can't really say where he's running, but you're safe in the assumption that it's not Maryland. C'mon - I still hope to run for office from here one day. I can't have my constituents stolen. No, this state's nickname can be rearranged to spell 'He Great at Dents'. Alternately, the state name itself can be rearranged to spell 'Yes, we're NJ'.

And that, my friends, might just tip my hat.

leave me a note, fool!

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