9:08 p.m.

So, I hung up the phone about an hour ago and padded upstairs to grab a soda. Halfway up the steps, I just about bit it when I tripped over a gelatinous, vaguely white goo on the stairs. Whatsoever could it be? Oh, that's right, it's the remains of my spine.

See the lenghts I go to for a 'spineless' joke? That, my friends, is dedication. Pride in my craft. Or something.

So, I finally decided I don't want to date the girl. You know, the one you don't know anything about. The one I've hardly written about. Yeah, that one. I like her. She's...nice. There's nothing wrong with her. She even looks ok naked. But there's just. nothing. there. This weekend she had mentioned wanting to do dinner this week, and because 'Yes' is the second most common word out of my mouth (first most common: 'porn') I agreed. And then, sometime later, I decided that I didn't want anything more than a friendship out of all this. I decided I should tell her. She called tonight. We're doing dinner tomorrow. I should have said something. The last thing I want to do is roll with this under false pretenses. But I said nothing. I figure I'll bring it up tomorrow.

But after dessert. Man's gotta enjoy his cheesecake, y'know.

Remember the congressional campaign that I'm working for? Well, I have my first assignment. And I'm ok with it. It's good to start small. My mission: get the Campaign national attention.

Like I said, it's good to start on the small side.

leave me a note, fool!

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