1:11 a.m.

Damn. I'm up too late again. Internet porn does make the time fly, huh?

And the bitch of it is, I've got some stuff i need to write about. There's this whole, well, thing that's going down.

But for now I've been up way too long and been thinking way too hard to trust my words. And I have a feeling that when I do write what I need to, it's going to be one of those entries that I'll want to come back to at a later time to remember how I felt.

On a completely unrelated note, I've had a ton of new readers over the past week or so. I don't know where y'all came from, but welcome! If you haven't yet, drop me a g*book entry or a note to say hi.

And, also unrelated, I hate my car CD player. And Circuit City. And the figurative use of the word 'literally'.

leave me a note, fool!

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