9:23 p.m.

Damn you! Damn you Diaryland!

I have nothing, nothing to write, and yet I still hear you calling to me. Wanting me, no willing me to post an entry. Well, maybe I have nothing to say. Maybe nothing of interest has gone on. Maybe I have no emotions to work through, nothing to get off my chest. Did you ever think of that? No, of course not. Why? WHY? Because you're diaryland. You're demanding. And you don't even know it. And the thing is, we love you for it. You piss us off, you demand the world, and we love you all the more. Obviously we do, I mean look at all the people coming to this site day after day after day.

So, here's what I'm gonna do. Or rather what I'm not gonna do. You're asking me to write an entry tonight - well, I'm not gonna do that.

Nope. No entry from me.

What's that? This counts as an entry?

I guess you win again.


leave me a note, fool!

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