5:02 p.m.

Thank you Rachel and thank you Ms. M, you do make me feel missed. And that's kinda nice.

Well folks, what have I been learning while I've been sadly internet free?

Scary people live on my street.
There may or may not be a crack house right around the corner from where I live.
This scares me alot less than it should.
In South Baltimore, the ice cream truck comes until well after 10:45 at night.
Broken airconditioners are the devil's work.
I really have to stop saying "Not a problem."
If you make over 2 grand in commission a week, missing $20 of it does not garner my sympathy.
Most common phrase in my head this week: "What the fuck do you want me to do?"
I really need a weekend at home.
Being asked out feels good.
I kinda like her.
And I kinda like the other girl I'm talking to.
Scary yet exciting.

Such is my life.

leave me a note, fool!

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