11:03 a.m.

Well, what to say about the weekend?

Fun, I guess, is a good word to describe things, but 'fun' just kind of seems trite. The weekend wasn't trite at all. It was...fun. See? This just isn't working. The weekend was satisfying. And, although there wasn't much sleep, oddly relaxing.

There, that seemed to work.

Let's see. Friday night continued my tradition of getting way too drunk way too fast. I went to see an O's game with some people from work and decided to take advantage of the free beer graciously provided by my company. The entire time there went something like this:

Approach beer stand.
Learn that only 2 beers will be handed out per person at a time.
Obtain two beer maximum.
Walk away.
*Guuulp* *Guuulp*
Return to Stand.

As the evening went on, certain steps in the process startedto suffer, like the walking away from the beer stand. So, by the time I made it back to my place, I was in no condition to follow the rest of my friends out to the bar. I decided to throw in a movie and promptly passed out, totally missing the chance to talk to a new friend on AIM. Oh, you know who you are.

SaturDAY was spent sleeping late and eating junk food. Possibly not in that order. The roomie and I had a party that night to celebrate his purchase of the house and my 25th birthday. The party was fun. I thought so anyway. I think we were pretty loud, but apparently, neither the neighbours nor the Baltimore City Police Department seemed to think so as we received no complaints. I got pretty toasted at the party, but managed to at least pretend that I was retaining some level of my sobriety. One of the best things of the vening was, obviously, the ice cream cake. Also cool were the d*land people that I got to see. One of them I'd met before and is a great person and the other was a new friend. But a fun new friend. And a new friend who was not nearly as embarassingly drunk as she thought she was. And, there were friends that were missed, but the fact that I'll be seeing said friend before the summer's out kept me from crying myself to sleep. But just barely.

And then yesterday, I went down to D.C. to hang out with the girl-who-I'm-not-telling-y'all-about. A little personalized monument tour, a little Georgetown, a little Italian bistro. A good day.

Tonight, the 'rents are taking me out to dinner and in 5 minutes, the coworkers are taking me to lunch.

Does life get any better?

leave me a note, fool!

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