10:36 a.m.

I had a goooood weeeekend and you-ooo diiiiidn't....

Ok, maybe you did. I don't care. For right now, I'm focusing on me. Is that ok with you? Good.

Friday night I proclaimed to anyone that would listen (both of them) that I was going to "take it easy and be asleep by midnight". And by that I apparently meant "become best friends with my keg-o-rator, makes a drunk phone call, and pass out around 2". I wonder what it'd be like to actually have some level of discipline? I would think about that, but I just don't feel like it.

Ha! See what I did there? It was a lack-of-discipline joke! Haha. A lack-of-disc... ok fine. I'll shut up.

So, needless to say, by the time I got up and out the door (at 8am!) for Preakness I was hurting a little. We finally got to our corner of the infield (motto: "Horse Race? What Horse Race?") areound 9:30 or 10. I was miserable for the first few hours. About the time the beer started kicking in, I started to enjoy myself a little more. (amazing!) By the end of the day, I was having a blast and the weather had turned gorgeous. I know absolutely dick about horse racing and it showd. My horse came in dead last. Damn you Crimson Hero! I want my $20 back!

Yesterday still has me grinning. Ear to ear. But, I told someone that I don't write anything of any importance here. And yesterday was, well, important. So just rest assured that I'm happy and things are good. Cryptic? Maybe. But that's all you're gonna get from me.

Later fools.

leave me a note, fool!

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