2:47 a.m.

Ok, let me get this straight.

Comedy Central is airing a new show where crank calls are made by, excuse me, puppets? Puppets? Puh-fucking-pets?

I can think of 3 solid ways to kill a TV show. Way one involves airing it opposite the Must See TV. I hate the Must See TV based on the self-referntial pomposity, but you must admit that the shows are somewhat funny. Well, except that one that had the chick from Married With Children. That one sucked ass. Way #2 to kill a TV show would involve the words "new cast member" and "a scantily-clad Rosie O'Donnell". And, to all the freaks brought here by Google-searching on 'scantily-clad rosie o'donnell', I'd just like to say: a.)hello and b.)what the hell's wrong with you?

And, yeah, the third and final way to kill a teevee show involves making the main characters puppets. This has only worked once in the entire history of adult teevee. And, no, I don't mean adult like porn. If you're looking for puppet porn, I'm sure you can find whatever you want on Kazaa. The only time puppets worked was on the Muppet Show. And I hold that the only reason it worked is because the Muppets walked and talked and were somehow magically alive on their own and we were being duped into thinking that they were really puppets and that.....


Yeah, I am tired. Maybe I should just go to sleeeeee................

leave me a note, fool!

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