9:06 a.m.

I stepped out of my front door this morning and knew that it was going to rain.

Even if I hadn't heard the weather as I was getting ready for work, I would have still known. There were no rain clouds in the sky, no breeze, no smell of rain on the air.

Some days you just know.

Something big is coming my way. What it is, or when it will happen, or what I mean by "big" I have no idea. All the same, I can feel it coming. It gets closer every day. I have the feeling that the cosmic hint-dropper is trying to clue me in on something, but the hints are too vague. Or I'm too thick.

And as I step off my porch, or hold hands with a pretty girl, or drift off to sleep, a voice whispers in my ear from so far away.

Get readyyy....

I don't know how. But I know I'm not scared.

leave me a note, fool!

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