9:07 a.m.

Pride, man. It really boiled down to nothing more than pride.

Got in a little bit of a snit with one of my best work friends right as I was leaving yesterday. It is a phenomenally uninteresting story, so I'll spare you the details, and thus the necessary lobotomy. Basically I felt she should have come to me with a problem, she didn't think so, and I was left feeling like she felt I was ineffective. Or worthless. Or, perhaps, both.

Stupid bitch.

No, now stop it, Mike. That's not fair. She's really really not stupid.


Ok, ok, fine. Or a bitch. There. Are you happy now? My work-friend is not a bitch. Sheesh, it's tough tryin' to tell a story to all you little goody-two-shoes.
(...by the way, what's the deal with that phrase? what does it really mean? would the opposite be badass-one-shoe? i don't get it.)

Anyway, the snit put me in a bit of a funk for the rest of the evening. That, combined with the overall drearyness of the rain, made me one pretty unhappy Charmcity. Oh, and I had to clean too. I *hate* cleaning.

But, the bathroom is now spotless, the laundry is now fresh, and somewhere in that whole process, I got to talk to Her. So, you know, I can't say yesterday evening was a total loss.

When I got home from work, I purposely tried to not be in a bad mood. Sometimes when I come home grumpy, I think that the roomie thinks that I'm somehow mad at him. And, though that's not true, I still don't want him to think that. I held off for as long as I could last night, but finally I just had to vent. So I laid out the whole situation for him.

He told me that I needed to leave all that stuff at work. That, in the end, it's bad for one's sanity to carry that kind of frustration around.

He's right, of course. I just wonder if he was talking about my sanity. Or his.

leave me a note, fool!

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