10:55 p.m.

Oh boy......,

My local, hometown, *cough*
redneck *cough* newspaper has a section called 'Mail Call'. Basically Mail Call is an answering machine that you can leave a message on and, with any luck (or editorial oversight) your message will get printed in the paper. Verbatim. Oh yes, believe me, my friends and I had loads of fun with this in high school.

Anyway, I still read that paper's online version if for no other reason than the fact that it's always a good idea to mock your roots.

But I digress.....

The point is that I worry about people in my hometown. Below are several excerpts from this weeks' Mail Calls. I swear on all that's holy that I have not made these up.

"To all you experienced hunters out there. I just want to know if hunting bears with a sword is illegal?"

And the inevitable replies....

"It is legal to hunt a bear with a sword as long as you have a hunting permit, as long as the animal is not in danger and you have to make a clean cut at the neck."


"Fighting a bear with a sword is much like Russian Roulette so I say good luck and go for it."

Russian Roulette, indeed.....

leave me a note, fool!

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