4:31 p.m.

OK, so I feel like I should write an entry - like I owe d*land or whoever you people are the pleasure of my company. The problem is, I just don't have anything to write.

I've whined it here before; I'd really (I think) like to write on some kind of semi-professional level. The problem is, I like to write the funny. But it's hard for me to summon the funny on command.

How does one get into the habit of performing on command.

I think I may have always been this way. When I was a kid, I used to do an impression or two. But the thing is, my impressions or jokes or general what-have-you would always be spontaneous - when no one was expecting it. When someone would ask me to make them laugh, I could never manage to do it.

Stage fright? I don't think so. I get my energy from people - I have no problem with yammering on to people I don't know. Infuriating? Invigoration? I don't know. It's just who I am. (just so you know, the preceding sentence must have set some sort of "most uses of a capital I" record. I'm just sayin'.) So no, not stage fright exactly.

Who knows what my deal is.

leave me a note, fool!

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