2:21 p.m.

My problem, of course, is that I read too much. The problem with reading, for me anyway, is that it fills my head with ideas; but they're other peoples' ideas and there's no room left for my own.

It doesn't help that I'm developing something of an immersive intellect. When something grabs my attention, I have this compulsive need to learn all there is to know about it *right. the fuck. now*. All well and good, except for the fact that when it's over, I'm mentally, emotionally, and intellectually spent.

Like right now, I'm stitting here and trying to think of something (anything) that would be even remotely interesting or entertaining to write, but my brain can't focus on that. It's far to occupied by arguing with itself over the coming war with Iraq and at the same time analyzing historical repercussion of Colonial-era Privateering off the North American coast.

How can one even begin with the dick and fart jokes with all that up there.

I do this from time to time, and it pisses me off. Royally. Oh, I know it's good to read, I know it's wonderful to be educated. But when I get this way, when my head turns into a big sponge, I dunno. I stop *being*. I lose some part of me that connects to the outside world, some connection that is the joy-and-pain of reality. My carpe diem gland, perhaps.

And then, things start to suffer. Like my writing.

Today's entrants in the list of people that need to be smacked:

Anyone with an "OBX" sticker on your car. (You know what? You probably don't even vacation on the Outer Banks. And if you do? Whoopdefuckindoo. I don't really care. Are the 'Banks nice? Sure. Do I like to spend time there? You betcha. Do you look like a pompous ass? Bingo.)

Anyone who regularly uses the abbreviations 'LOL', 'LMAO', 'ROTF', or 'ROTFLMAO'. (Do I even need to explain? You're not really laughing out loud. You're not really reaching up with one hand to type while rolling on the floor. Moreover, who has ever heard a joke (let's say at the office), laid down, and rolled on the floor laughing while their coworkers watched in detached amusement? "That Johnson; he sure likes those knock-knocks. Now, about that Penske file...")

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