9:23 p.m.

Everybody's favorite diary finds the sniper attacks kind of entertaining in a weird horror-movie way.

Did ya hear that? Entertaining. Not sad, not scary, not even a little disquieting. Enterfuckingtaining. What an asshole. I'm sure the families of the 9 murdered people are just yukking it up, waiting in gleeful anticipation to find out which family is the newest member of their club.

To be fair, I did say that I couldn't help but laugh as I was pumping gas. But I never meant laughter in a gee-god-isn't-this-fun kind of way. Far from it. Sometimes when you're the most sad and the most scared, all you can do is laugh - even if there's no good reason. Anything else will drive you insane.

The frustrating thing is, Bobby used to write a cutting edge, interesting, and yes, entertaining journal. But my patience only stretches so far. Take one show of glee at having your website scrawled among WTC rememberences and mix it with being entertained by suffering at the hands of a real life madman, and well, you've got a real good idea at where my breaking point is.

Maybe, since Bobby's diary is the one all the cool kids read, maybe it's cool to not be scared by this. Maybe it's cool to laugh at all of this. Fuck cool. Hey jackass - I'm a Washington area resident and I am scared. Do I think anything will happen to me? Probably not. But will it happen to someone I know, someone I love? I have no idea. And that's what's scary. How could I ever, ever live with myself if I allowed myself to be entertained by this story only to find out that someone close to me had been shot, let alone killed? Answer: I couldn't. It would drive me to...well....drink more than I already do. You know who's scared? Not the aimless wandering hipsters with bemused detachment. No, the scared ones are those of us with breathing souls of fire who recognize pure evil when we see it and know that no one's safe, not even straight up bulletproof thugs.

So, Bobby, you're entertained by all this? Good. Take your entertainment and fuck the hell off.

leave me a note, fool!

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