4:51 p.m.

One of these days I'm going to learn to carry my digital camera with me. All. The. Time. There's no way I can come close to adequately describing the sky right now. Suffice to say (or is it suffice it to say? Or sufficed to say?) It's among the top 5 beautiful skies I've ever seen. The nor'easter's gone, the low level grey clouds are just clipping right along, the sun's setting in the southwest, and the clear sky above is a color that would make navy blue rage with jealousy. My office. Say what you will - it does have a hell of a view.

Speaking of top 5 things, I'm in the mood to fill out lists, but can't find any good ones for the life of me. Why don't you send me some ideas of lists I could make up. What, you want examples? Ohhh, I dunno. Like ask me to list my top 5 favorite albums or something. But not that one. I hate music questions, they always make me feel like such a loser. So, send in your requests for my top 5s and I'll see if I can get the creative juices flowin'

...and no, "creative juices" does not mean "Captain Morgan". Just for this once though.

leave me a note, fool!

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