10:52 a.m.

Are you there God? It's me, Michael.

I feel like there might be a certain level of misunderstanding that you and I need to clear up. Remember last week, the week with all the snow? Remember how I was so happy that work had closed? I said things like "awesome" and "I love the snow" and "this snow is awesome and I love it". I know, it did sound like I was a huge fan of the wintry stuff. I can see how you might have come to that conclusion.

But see, the thing is, the three hour shoveling marathon that was required to chisel my car out of the snow kind of cured me of that love. Snow? Sick of it. Spring? Bring it on.

And so, you see, when I woke up this morning, it wasn't so much the inch on the ground that kick-started my frustration. Nope, it was the nice fine layer of ice underneath it. Well, that combined with the weather reports predicting 8 to 10 more inches before this little low pressure system of fucking joy in solid form goes on its merry way.

Seriosuly, please. No more snow. Okay?

leave me a note, fool!

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