11:27 a.m.

Damn, I'm all geared up to do a little warblogging and I can't find anything to source my arguments.

So, relax, for the time being, you're saved from having to listen to me drone on and on about war in Iraq.

The thing that set me off was a report I saw this morning on the Today Show about the latest batch of celebrities that have come out against the Bush Administration. And no, I can't cite the specific quote, but Russell Simmons said something to the effect that Nas and JayZ are more well liked and well known than Bush and they don't want war, so we should really listen to them.

Right. Listen to them. And not pay any attention to, say, the combined resources of the world's best intelligence agency.

But, for all you know, I just made that up. So I'll shiut up now.

leave me a note, fool!

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