5:00 p.m.

Honest to God, earlier I came within about an inch of quitting, or jabbing a pen through my eye. Or possibly both.

The stupid people I'm ok with. (Only not really, but that's a different entry altogether.) It's the willfully and consistently stupid that drive to drink. Ok, drive me to drink more.

This afternoon, for the 8,32nd time, I've had to explain to the same 20something middlemanager the difference between static and dynamic data. To wit: static data will never change, dynamic data can. And, oh yes, above and beyond all that, I've had to explain why one should never try to analyze or draw conclusions whilst comparing the two.

And, yeah, you're right that it doesn't sound half as bad as it really is, so just shut your fucking trap and move on.

It's a big deal when you're pretty sure someone's badmouthing you not because you're at fault but because they can't understand simple metadata related concepts.

Had I a thermonuclear device, I might....

Ok, no I wouldn't. But, presumably, said thermo-nuke would be pretty heavy and dense, right? Just roll the fucker on top of me and crush the will to live right out of me.

I hate everything.

......ok, fine, i hate everything about my job. I'm fine with li'l ol' you.

leave me a note, fool!

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