4:53 p.m.


In case you didn't recognize, know what that was? That's right it was the backhanded compliment. Oh which I am now the proud owner of.

End of the day, end of the week, last minute loose end tying. Your usual late-Friday blad-dee-fricken-blah. I helped one of my coworkers out with a problem, solved said problem, and chatted merrily about life in general. As I prepared to leave she said to me "Mike, you're alot nicer these days. I bet it's because of the girlfriend."

My thought process went a bit like this, "What a nice thing to say, and y'know I think it may be true. I have felt a lot more pleasant since......*HEYYY*."

Apparently I was a royal dick to work with before. As much of a compliment as it was meant to be, that's the real message I'm extracting from what she said.

But, y'know, what do I care. It's Friday.

leave me a note, fool!

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