4:52 p.m.


I've got the worst kind of rage right now. In case yu're keeping score at home, that would be work-related and yet unfocused rage.

I'm just, well, angry today. I feel like the same shit that always breaks is still breaking and I feel that instead of applying pressure to the problem, we're applying it to the middleman, the messenger. In this case, me. I get aggrivated and annoyed by certain people at all levels and sometimes would rather jam a fork in my ear than deal with them. There's a guy that always, always stops to chat a few offices down and stays for an hour or more. His voice is grating, he's a type-a, chauvanistic asshole, and I can't stand him.

I'm angry today and I can't shake it.

And this entry has done nothing at all to make me feel better.

Thanks a whole fuckload, introspection.

leave me a note, fool!

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