11:07 a.m.

mini update here: Many thanks to Mocksie and Pischina for pointing me toward Sweetch. Go. Read this diary. Add it to your 'must-reads'. This guy is amazing. I aspire to write as clearly as he does. His diary is beautiful.
Well, as you can see, I changed my quiz questions -again- and cleaned up my HTML a little. I'm not super happy with how bunched everything looks, but i like it better this way than the way it had been.
Plus, you can now actually see the links on the webring banner which I'm sure will make Jillian a little more happy.


Not too much going on this morning which is nice for a change. The first half of this week was the absolute worst. I learned that I can't trust my boss to communiate important changes to me and that I need to babysit him to make sure he does his job. *And* if I don't it will not reflect poorly on him, oh no, it will reflect poorly on me. And will he do anything to stand up for me and tell people that I, as always ;), am blameless? No.

A vague summary, I admit, but going into detail would just make me angry all over again. And who cares anyway, because if all goes well, I won't be at this job too much longer.


Ahhh, this is the time of the week (other than Mon, Tues, and Wed) that a young man's thoughts turn to the weekend. Roomie#1 has a free happy hour at the Have a Nice Day Cafe. For those of you not familiar with HANDC, it is a retro/cheesy 70's/80's themed club with locations all around the country. I shouldn't find it as much fun as I do, but it always makes me smile and I always manage to find someone to dance with on the light-up dance floor. I think I'll wear my PURPLE! shirt and groove to Abba and Wham and the Culture Club. Yeah.

Saturday, Roomies #1 and #2 are heading down to either DC or NoVa for a par-tay. I'm not really in a party-with-people-i-don't-know mood, so I'm staying home and enjoying my 24 hours of blessed solitude. Do I have plans? oh yes I do. I'm going to sleep late on saturday and play the afternoon by ear. That night, I hope to catch a performance of Eve Ensler's famous play up at Towson. Sunday I'm going to try and swing over to the Walters and catch the Manet exhibit. There is an audio tour and some lectures and the like, but I just want to get lost in the quiet.

Look at me, the roomies leave town and I get all cultured. ****************************************
In CollegeBoy's profile he describes my youthful optimism as fading and my adult-like cynicism as setting in. I'd be lying if I said I didn't have my moments, most of which come in conjunction with my job or my boss or my coworkers or my company...ohh you get the idea. But I don't think I am an overly cynical person. I have lots and lots of questions, sure. And uncertainties - Jeezus! I'm still writing the book on uncertainties in my life. But I try (and I think) succeed on having a fairly upbeat, laid back, laisse faire attitude toward life. I piss off my more uptight friends with my "it'll all work out" attitude. I'm not claiming to be a Pollyanna, but if you cornered me into committing to an answer, I guess I'm more of a glass-is-half-full kinda guy.

Unless you piss me off.

leave me a note, fool!

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