1:31 p.m.

Things are starting to happen fast. Very fast.

For starters, this is my company. Nothing has changed as far as my job goes. I'm still here and am told my job is safe. I do take that with a grain of salt. They told us for months that the restructuring thats going on is entirely non-financial. Bullshit. What's going on here is *entirely* financial. And while they tell me my job is safe, I understand that I am perfectly expendable when it comes to the bottom line. I am safe for now - but reality hits you like cold water in the face these days.


I've been talking with my sister's company in Richmond. They want me to come down there next week for the all day interview. I told them that I am carless until Wanda the Honda was out of the body shop and couldn't drive until then. My recruiter said (and I quote), "Oh you don't need to drive. We'll fly you down and put you up in a hotel." Mind you Baltimore is exactly 145 miles (233.3 km for you metrics) and takes just over 2 hours to drive to. And my sister lives there, which my recruiter already knows. That being said, they still want to pay to fly me down and put me up for a night. I've never had a company go to such lengths for me. Its humbling really.

But this is all happening at warp speed. I am excited and happy and terrified all at the same time. I catch myself repeating "It'll all work out" but still my heart races. I need to get my ass in gear and I need to do it quick.

A year's worth of hopes are coming down the tracks. They're just coming so damn fast.

I may not have the time or energy to update much within the next week, but I'll be around and post when I can. For those who know my AIM screen name, IM me! (if you don't know it and want it - email me!) I may need your sanity....

- Mike

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