10:36 a.m.

I love this! People are actually sending me questions to answer. I have one in my inbox that I'm itchin' to get too, but there's just no time right now.

Either people actually value my opinion, or they're just too lazy to wait for Ann Landers or Dear Abbey or Ask Isadora or the Popular Mechanics Car Care Clinic to get back to them.

I will write more later, I promise, but for now I have to go give blood. And of course by give blood, I really mean "come close to passing out and whine like a baby until I get my OJ and Famous Amos cookies."

And oh yeah... what is *up* with Angelcities? Did it just fall off the face of the internet?
Damn graphics aren't loading...

..rrrassum frassum angelcities....

leave me a note, fool!

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