10:19 p.m.

This being Halloween and all, I thought I'd get in the spirit (get it? err..umm.. yeah.) and let you fools in on a little secret.

I killed a man once. With my bare hands.

Ok, no not really. I've never killed anyone. Want the real secret? Ok, here we go.

I believe in ghosts.

No, really, I do. And I am, by nature, a fairly skeptical person. So this isn't some bandwagon I just jumped on one day. This has all come after years of non-believing.

Profound other-worldly experiences? No. Not so much. Unexplainables? Sure. A few.

My family's beach house is haunted. But we were never told that as kids. It was always something joked about by the parents, but when pressed, they'd say that it was all make-believe. Then one day I saw her. I was 12 and in the basement alone. Someone yelled down to me that dinner was ready, and yes I was hungry, so i came bounding out of my bedroom to go upstairs. And she was standing right in front of me. Older clothes. Not 1800's old, but more like World War II old. No color, but not completely transparent. Kind of opaque. And she had no face. Not gory, not mangled . Just. no. face. I freaked out and ran. When I came back to the steps, she was gone. Of course, no one believed me. I was 12 and had an over active imagination. It was only 3 years ago that my step-aunt and I, the last ones awake after a long night, started talking about ghosts. She confessed that she'd seen them too. Her description matched mine. Exactly. The thing is, I never told anyone what my 'grey lady' looked like, or even that it was a lady. So yeah, that was weird.

Last summer, at the same house, someone or something started fucking with me when I was home alone one night. Or almost alone. I was babysitting my step-niece. The adults were out. I put her to bed around 8:30 and started watching tv. Before I put her to bed I asked her if she wanted the upstairs hallway light on for a nightlight (she was 4 at the time) and she said she did. About 10 minutes later, she starteds yelling from her room that I shouldn't have turned the light off, that she was scared. Hmm, wierd. So I checked the switch. Off. Solidly off. Hmm, weird. Naturally I thought that she was teasing me and that she had flipped the switch. As an experiment, I yanked the kiddy out of bed and put her next to the light switch. She couldn't even reach it. Light on, kid in bed, satisfied that all was as well as could be expected, I went back downstairs. The tv had turned itself off. I know what you're thinking; no, there was no sleep-timer. More yells from upstairs; the step-niece wanted me to stop knocking on her bedroom door. ??? When the parents came home, they found the stepNiece asleep on the couch and every light on in the house. I didn't sleep too easy that night.

That's pretty much it for experiences. There have been one or two others, but nothing worth repeating. Other than that... I don't know how to explain it, but sometimes, not all the time, I can tell if a house is haunted just by walking in the front door. It's a feeling. A pressure. I really can't put it any better than that. Usually I apologize for asking a dumb question, but...

More often than not, if I have the feeling, I'll get an affirmative. How do I know? Dunno.

I've told people this before and met both belief and disbelief, acceptance and ridicule. I really don't care if you believe or not. What I'm not looking for is approval. So there.

Happy Hallow'd E'en everyone!

leave me a note, fool!

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