10:43 p.m.

I'll give you monkeys three guesses as to who got to call 911 today. Ready?

Not OJ Simpson.
Not Dick Cheney.
Not even crack-whore Mariah Carey.

Give up? It was, wait for it, ..... me!!!!!

I had just gotten off the interstate and was maybe 5 minutes from my house when the pickup truck coming toward me swerved and flipped over and over and over. I have no idea why, sad to say I was paying attention to my blueberry slurpee and not the road. I was in shock. I mean, you just don't see stuff like that. So I pulled over, whipped out the ol' celly and dialed 911. I gave all the info I knew and hung up. Got out of my car, and ran over to the upside down trunk. Other people were there, including some off duty cops. The 911-op called me back to let me know that the ambulance (or, as we say in western MD, amblee-ants) was on the way and that some off duty cops had checked in and that I could go. Thanks 911-guy. Way ahead of you.

So yeah, I'm still amazed.

But I've done my civic duty and can go to sleep happy.

leave me a note, fool!

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