6:56 p.m.

I have a diease.

It's nothing I've written about before. It's nothing you can see. It's just something that I have to deal with on a daily basis.

I have....the Dreaded Gum Disease Gingivitis.

I know, I know....Eeeewwwwww.......

So (before last month) I hadn't been to the dentist in 4 years. Does that make me a bad person? Ok, a disgusting one maybe, but Bad? No.

Thing is; I hate the dentist. Well, maybe not dentists themselves. Unless they club baby seals or something. No, it's not the dentists I hate, it's the going-to-the-place-filled-with-saliva-and-pain that I'm not so keen on. So I avoided. Until one day I was bored at work and happened upon the webpage that explained my benefits. Turns out, I have a kickass dental plan. "Wow! What a kickass dental plan!" you may have heard me say. So I found me a dentist. I made an appointment. I showed up. We chitted. We chatted. She shoved horrible sharp things into my mouth. I have gingivitis.

So today I had to go for part one of my two-part...ummm...cleaning. I dunno what to call it. Basically the Doc attacked my mouth with the unholy love child of a laser beam and a water pik.

I was numbed, but if I had to sum up the experience in one word, that word would be:


So yeah, I'm a wuss. A wuss with a mouth that's 50% free of the Dreaded Gum Disease!

Next week, I have to go back. But I'm in denial about that right now.

And, on an unrelated note, not only does the country rock, but Canadians kick ass too. Even Howie Mandel.

leave me a note, fool!

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