11:25 a.m.

Ok, ok, so sometimes I'm filled with hate and vitriol. And I don't even know what vitriol means. I can take alot. I'm a pretty laid back guy and most things just roll off my back. But some things I can't ignore. Somethings shouldn't be ignored. Yesterday I reminded myself of the college me. I was such a laid-back, easygoing guy that I would scare my roommates when I'd get angry about something. I didn't anger easily or often, but when I did, it was serious.

Anyway, enough about that.

This is an intereting article. I've never heard of WorldNet Daily and can't vouch for their accuracy. All the same, some of what they write does make sense. Except for one thing. I can't see how the announcement that this was the work of al-Qaeda would increase the public's level of fear. I mean, I think we're living the worst-case scenario now, right? Who's sitting the fence on this? Who's sitting at home thinking, "Well, I was kinda scared before, but now that I know this guy is sponsored by someone - I'm terrified." Maybe there are people that would stock up on milk and bread and head for the hills if the al-Qaeda announcement was made. Whether this guy is the freakshow product of a twisted modern society or a highly-trained Islamic fundamentalist, it doesn't change the fact that people continue to die. The Police should tell us everything that they can - provided it won't hurt their investigation.

When we're all grasping for straws, we deserve that much.

leave me a note, fool!

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